Family for Every Child

The Family for Every Child Alliance (Family) is a global network of 40 local organizations from 36 countries that work collectively to enable children to grow up in permanent, safe and caring families. In 2019, as preparation for Family’s strategic planning process, Network Impact conducted an assessment of the Family network. An important finding of the assessment was that, as the Alliance explored and tested strategies over time, opportunities for impact became clearer and member needs changed. Network Impact’s reporting informed Alliance decisions to focus more deliberately on four key pathways to impact:

  1. Peer learning and knowledge sharing to advance member capacity

  2. Evidenced-based research to test innovative solutions and models

  3. Regional advocacy that leverages members shared context and geography

  4. International advocacy that lifts up the perspectives of those closest to the work

Network Impact then facilitated a process to generate a revised network Theory of Change.  Thirty Alliance members participated in small-group sessions co-led by board members from the Steering Group tasked with guiding the network’s strategic planning process. The revised network Theory of Change was used to inform Family’s 2021-2025 Strategy: Harnessing Wisdom to Transform Children’s Lives. 

Project engagement: 2019


Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation


Every Learner Everywhere Network